Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Microsoft’s Windows 10 has eye on enterprise

At an event for Windows today, Microsoft is announcing a
new Windows iteration for the world. though Windows 9
would have been the natural name iteration, it’s not. Called
Windows 10, it’s the OS Microsoft says will run “on the
broadest types of devices ever”.

The goal is similar to the way Microsoft has been positioning
Windows for some time. One platform, multiple devices, easy for
all. Developers have one Windows, and users get a similar
experience (and apps) across devices.
Though Windows 10 can be a bit of a “duh” moment in discussing
the aim of a modern Windows platform, Microsoft is getting back
to their roots a bit. They want to get enterprise up to speed on
Windows 10 right away, setting those important customers up for
long-term success.
Windows 10 isn’t for enterprise, but those customers are
important. While you and I as consumers can switch devices or
platforms on a whim, enterprise customers rarely budge off a
platform for extended periods of time. Microsoft enjoyed that
success for a long time, but the insurgent Chrome OS and Apple’s
deal with IBM loom large and threaten their legacy spot as the go-
to platform for enterprise.
Office hedges that bet a bit, offering up a suite of familiar,
enterprise-friendly software apps for any platform. Still, Windows
wants to keep business customers home. At the event, Microsoft
said “Windows 10 is going to be our greatest enterprise platform
Microsoft knows many of those enterprise customers are likely on
a dated version of Windows, and is making the transition easier.
the Start Menu is coming back to us, and pinned apps are there
as well. Those tiles can be resized easily, too.
Microsoft is straddling an important line here, and look to be
doing it fairly well. They want Windows 10 to look and feel a lot
like an updated Windows 7, making the transition from that dated
platform much easier for the enterprise customer.
Microsoft is also trying to tie mobile and desktop in with things
like app tiles and universal search from the start menu.
The update looks like the one Microsoft should have had all along,
rather than going strong-arm with Windows 8. We’ll be keeping
our eye on all the goings on, and keeping you updated should
anything important happen!

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