Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 Ways Android Beats iOS 7

Bangalore: When new, colorful, vibrant OSs, like Android and Windows Phone, were making their head ways in to consumer‘s psyche, iOS remained nearly still since its debut. iOS 7 is the first attempt by Apple at change. It turned out to be complete aesthetic overhaul of the interface. From the moment you turn on an iPhone running iOS 7, it’s different—every option, every app. The OS also sports amazing features like the Control Center, Lock Screen, Gestures Contorls, Slide to Unlock, Touch ID. All said and done, Android can still beat iOS in 10 ways, read on to know them as compiled by Business Insider.

#10 Endless Sharing Options

The new iOS helps the user to share the content of the handset through only a few choices like Message, Mail, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr. But Android opens up the endless options for the sharing task. It can list out all the apps that are capable of sharing the content, be it Mail, Whats App or WeChat . The capability also gives the consumers to try out many sharing apps that are flooding the Google Play Store.

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