Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Android KitKat Is The Most Stable Smart Device OS

Google and Apple have had a tussle to be the best software system for smart devices, for years. And, now Google has finally cracked the code with its latest open sources platform. The Android 4.4 KitKat is found to be the most stable OS available for your smartphones and tablets, currently. A recent study report undertook the competition between 106 mobile OSes and found that KitKat was even better than iOS 7.1, to land as no.1
Android, Android 4.4, Gingerbread, KitKat, smartphone, tablet,  Apple, iOS 7.1, iOS,

According to the Mobile Experience Benchmark report by Crittercism, 2582 different devices were used with 106 operating systems and 691 network operators were studied to compare the statistics, of more than a billion combinations. This heavy survey has proved that open source platform is more bankable than that of the closed sources ones like iOS and Windows Phone. But that is a learning result since Android Gingerbread showed the most crash rate.

The report said that Android 2.3 Gingerbread has the highest crash rate at 1.7 per cent, which is double than that of the Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. While, KitKat has a crash rate of 0.7 per cent. Apple's iOS 7.1 has a crash rate of 1.6 per cent. 

According to an InformationWeek report, Crittercism says the smartphone versions of these operating systems are much more stable than their tablet counterparts. Tablet apps are much more prone to crash. The iPhone 5 is the most stable Apple device, while Samsung makes the most stable Android devices. 

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