Thursday, July 31, 2014

Take a NOTE 4 yourself

Samsung has been settling into a routine with its flagship releases -
MWC in February gets the Galaxy S announcement, and IFA in
September gets the Galaxy Note. Because of that, the assumption
has been that the Galaxy Note 4 would be announced at IFA, and
now it looks like the exact date will be September 3rd, just before
IFA officially begins. IFA 2014 is planned for September 5-10 in
Berlin, but The Korea Times is reporting that Samsung will be the
announcement date, and Samsung is planning to send out media
invites "soon".
While IFA has been the general time for the new Galaxy Note
announcement, word has it that Samsung is rushing the
announcement a bit to make sure it gets a good amount of time in
the media machine before Apple announces the new iPhone 6. Of
course, the announcement doesn't really give us a clue as to the
release window for the device. Last year, the Galaxy Note 3 was
announced September 4th, but not released until September 25th.
On the other hand, Apple announced the iPhone 5S on September
10th and released it September 20th. So, jumping the gun on the
announcement can only help so much when there's that big of a
gap in release.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is expected to be just as much of a
specs beast as always, featuring a 5.7-inch 2560x1440 (QHD)
display, an Exynos 5433/Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB of RAM, a
16-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization, and an
ultraviolet sensor . There have also been rumors of a flexible display
and all metal construction. That all sounds great, but as always with
Samsung devices, it is more about how heavy-handed Samsung's
software will be. It seems we'll find out in about 5 weeks.

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