Thursday, October 31, 2013

7 Open Source Programming Tools To Make Use Of!

linux, open source, programmer, programming, programming tools, open source programming tools, Rhomobile Rhodes, Git, Gerrit, Hadoop, jQuery, Eclipse, Firebug  If we think which category of open source software will benefit the most from the open source model, (i.e. how the the codes can be revised, extended and fixed by the users) the answer will definitely be the programming tools. The graphic designers or managers might not possess the skills to contribute to the codes of projects related to their work but a programmers definitely knows hot to fiddle with the tools and you can expect the best of updates in the programming tools.

So, here we bring 7 Open Source programming tools for the programmers to make use of!

1. Rhomobile Rhodes

The open source platform Rhomobile Rhodes helps the user in bundling up the websites based on Ruby and further pack them in form of an iPhone app. If desired, you can use jQuery to make changes in the layout so that users can access the website with the ease of touch.

2. Git

Git is a source-control tool which is meant to work for distributed teams in situation where a dominant central repository might not exist. Although many developers still use CVS and Subversion, a lot of projects are now moving to Git. Git users can create stand-alone repositories with all the privileges of the center.

3. Gerrit

Aimed to work nearly with Git and Repo, Gerrit lets those who are validating the code to send comments to the central Git repository. They can create an extended meta layer of discussion above the code itself. Previously these discussions use to take place in header comments, but not that the discussions and comments comer to a dedicated layer, Gerrit allows a more sophisticated discussion which lets the future readers skip the old change discussions and jump directly to the code.

4. Hadoop

The tool kit Hadoop allows the user to split the work into several pieces for computation on differet servers and then compile them together into a final product. The concept was initially pioneer by Google when it was required to sync a huge number of servers to crawl the Web. And on a similar notion Hadoop is offering a general framework which can be used in similar situtations.

5. jQuery

A lot of web developers are these days learning jQuery even before adapting JavaScript as it's much more efficient and simpler to manipulate the DOM. Thanks to the layers of plug-ins which were created by the huge army of contributers. These plug-ins today have become a great help in swiftly changing ecosystem that is loaded with filled creative tools to add to the websites. And these are usually easy to string together to create a seamless display.

6. Eclipse (and the Eclipse Marketplace)

If we are talking about programming tools how can we miss talking about Eclipse. While its IDE is already popular amongst programmers, its continuously growing plug-ins are re-powering the platform. The platform support plug-ins for practically every available language including PHP, Ruby, Python, and C and many more.

7. Firebug

The built-in tools of the browsers are something that programmers are increasingly making use of, and amongst all the tools in this category the Firefox plug-in Firebug leading the way. The environment of has been so fertile that the plug-in itself has got several sub plug-ins to extend Firebug. For example FirePython doesn't really live on the browser but it is inserted in the server to deliver the debugging information to the browser.

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