Thursday, October 24, 2013

These Storage Disks Can Store Data For A Million Years Atleast!

Innovation knows no bounds. The world of digital storage is changing and evolving with every passing day. The problem with magnetic disk storage system that was introduced by IBM in 1956 is that it cannot retain data for more than a couple of years. Many storage devices can keep data for slightly over 10 years. 

As stated on, Jeroen De Vries from University of Twente (Netherlands) has come up with a solution for solving this problem. De Vries along with co-researchers have created a storage disk that can keep
data for nothing less than a million years.

The team uses tungsten that has a high melting temperature (about 3422 degree Celsius) with a lower thermal expansion coefficient with a protective layer that is made from Silicon Nitride (Si3N4). The recording of data by the team was done in the form of QR codes having 100nm wide lines on the media.

It was then exposed to different temperatures for viewing how the medium retained the data. The team also conducted accelerated aging tests and discovered that the medium could store data for a long time, for over a million years without any problems. De Vries and his team feel confident that they can construct much better and stronger storage media that can withstand house fires, floods or even a meteor strike.

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