Friday, October 25, 2013

Three Steps To Safe And Secure Internet Browsing

PRISM, U.S. Government, Access, Anonymous, Browse, Internet, Private data, Google, Social media, Browsing As we are all aware, the U.S Government’s surveillance program, PRISM has been put in place to monitor private user information. This includes Google Searches, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Private Images, and other private data.

As stated on, here are some things that you can do to hide yourself or become anonymous and surf the Internet safely.

Step 1: Deletion of Old Email and Social Accounts

You need to remove your real identity from social media sites for keeping your identity anonymous. Alternatively, you can change the name of your account to any random name

to make it appear as it is a different person.

Step 2: Tension Free Site Browsing

Do not use browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc as they won’t help in becoming anonymous. These browsers cannot encrypt the user’s data and leave it open to phishers and keyloggers. For staying anonymous, you will need to download Tor. This permits you complete privacy and encryption. It has the following features –

-Automatic IP Changing (permitting you to create accounts without getting traced)

-NoScript (disallowing some scripts and cookies from getting displayed and saves your data)

-Anonymous Networking (permitting encrypted browsing)

Tor also has a broken version of Mozilla Firefox with all the plugins. The drawback of Tor is that it disables necessary plugins including Flash, Java and other relevant scripts. You can re-enable them by manual installation in the Tor Directory.

Step 3: Take care In Signing Up on Website

While using sites like Gmail, YouTube, Twitter, etc you need to use a fake name, date of birth and profile icon. These are crucial in hiding your true identity. You can use your creativity for this but if you can’t come up with a name, password or username, then here are some name generators that can assist

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